Spectators storm the Australian League final, players and referees are injured, and a match is cancelled. Web Desk

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During the Australian League (A-League) final in Melbourne, the management cancelled the match after a player and referee were injured in an attack by spectators.

During the 22nd minute of the A-League final match between Melbourne City and Melbourne Victory, spectators entered the ground and attacked Melbourne City goalkeeper Tom Glover, while the referee defended the player. Alex King also suffered a concussion. Victoria Police said between 150 and 200 spectators entered the ground and attacked Glover and referee Alex King with a metal fire bucket, injuring both.

A full investigation of the incident has been announced by the Australian Football League, on the other hand, the Australian Professional League has also announced to work together with Football Australia to prevent such incidents in the future.

After the incident, the Melbourne City Club strongly condemned the incident and described the behaviour of the spectators as appalling.

"Melbourne City Club strongly condemns the incidents of spectators entering the ground at Amy Park and injuring players, officials and cameramen. Such incidents are not acceptable under any circumstances and there is no place for such incidents in football," Melbourne City said in a statement. There is room
