Do you know the truth of a few secrets hidden in the pants of jeans?


Jeans pants are very popular all over the world and are worn by millions of people every day.

But there are a few things about this dress that is popular all over the world, the purpose of which people do not know.

Yes, apparently we see or wear jeans every day, but there are some features that most people ignore.

Button around pocket

Apparently, these buttons feel like decoration but they serve a very important function for this dress.

These buttons are called rivets and are meant to prevent the paint from tearing, as wearing jeans or using pockets increases the chance of the stitching coming apart.

It is believed that Levi Strauss added these buttons to jeans in the 19th century.

He made the addition after miners complained about how quickly their paint was peeling at this point.

They solved this by putting copper buttons around the pockets to prolong the life of the paint.

Small pocket in jeans

The jeans have a small pocket in each pant and are so small that they feel useless.

But in the 19th century, it was used to hold a pocket watch.

It was Levi Strauss who added this small pocket to jeans and it was mainly done for American cowboys to have easy access to a pocket watch while travelling on horseback.

No one uses a pocket watch in the present era, so what is the purpose of the presence of this pocket watch?

In fact, this small pocket is now used to maintain the original design of the paint, otherwise, it is of no use.

It is possible to keep coins or keys in this pocket or similar small items can be stored in this small pocket, otherwise, this pocket is apparently useless.

A piece of leather on the back

A small piece of the leather must be present on the back of any pair of jeans, but what is the reason for its presence?

It's called Jaron and was first used for jeans in the late 19th century.

In this era, Jacrons' aim was to stop counterfeiters because counterfeiters would make and sell copies of jeans from well-known companies

That's why companies started putting small pieces of genuine leather with their name on jeans so that consumers could buy real pants.

Pure leather was used because it was not easy for counterfeiters to imitate.

Also, these pieces were used to strengthen the jeans around the waist and stomach so that they could not be torn by being pulled up and down
