A Facebook post found a 44-year-old calf's mother

With the help of Facebook, a mother and son, separated for 44 years, were able to meet each other.

Surprisingly, the mother thought that the son was not alive, while the son also thought the same about the mother.

44 years ago, the Egyptian wife of a Jordanian citizen gave birth to Wissam Muhammad.

The couple divorced and Wissam Muhammad's mother moved to Cairo, Egypt, thinking that her son was not alive.

For 4 decades, Wissam Muhammad believed that his mother was not alive.

But 4 years ago, he realized that the mother might be alive because the lawyers could not find the woman's death certificate, but they could not find the mother.

In early 2022, a relative of Wissam Mohammed in Jordan discovered the photos of the Egyptian woman.

The relative posted the photos on social media and an Egyptian friend of Wissam's saw the post and contacted the Missing Children Facebook page.

This Facebook page aimed at reuniting missing children and their parents in the Middle East was founded in 2015.

On December 6, this Facebook page posted pictures of the woman and said that Wissam Muhammad was looking for his mother.

Within 24 hours, the Facebook page managed to locate the woman.

On December 7, Wissam Muhammad arrived in Cairo to meet his mother and they both met at the airport.

In the beginning, both of them stayed away from each other, but when Wissam Muhammad kissed his mother's hands, then both of them could not control their emotions and hugged for the first time after 44 years.
